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Vývoj diskusií o smrtiacich autonómnych zbraňových systémoch v rámci Dohovoru o zákazoch alebo obmedzeniach použitia určitých konvenčných zbraní


Lujza Chrvalová


Politické vedy, Volume 25, Number 2/2022, pages 8-30


Recommended form for quotation of the article / Odporúčaná forma citácie článku:

CHRVALOVÁ, L. 2022. Vývoj diskusií o smrtiacich autonómnych zbraňových systémoch v rámci Dohovoru o zákazoch alebo obmedzeniach použitia určitých konvenčných zbraní. In Politické Vedy. Vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 8-30. ISSN 1335–2741. Available at: 





Since 2013 a debate on lethal autonomous weapon systems has come to the forefront under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW). These weapon systems are still under development, and individual states and non-state actors have different views on their potential deployment in the future, which had a decisive impact on proceedings of the CCW meetings. The aim of the study was to identify the key positive and negative outcomes of individual meetings, issues, on which parties have not yet reached a consensus, and to analyse the development of the CCW membership base in terms of involvement of governmental and non-governmental subjects, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the meetings. The study was conducted using a synthesis of data regarding individual CCW meetings of high contracting parties and other entities, which were basis for the qualitative analysis and comparison method. In conclusion, the author described the creation of a platform of experts for lethal autonomous weapon systems, eleven guiding principles and four approaches to defining these weapon systems as the most significant benefits of the CCW debates. In terms of COVID-19 pandemic, the negative impact was identified for developing countries. Based on the findings in the study the author does not expect creation of an international legislative act banning lethal autonomous weapon systems in the short-or medium-term period.

Key words: Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems,Conventional Weapons, Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Group of Governmental Experts on Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons System




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Vývoj diskusií o smrtiacich autonómnych zbraňových systémoch v rámci Dohovoru o zákazoch alebo obmed Veľkosť: 640.1 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 7.1.2024