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Srbsko ako kandidátsky štát EÚ a ich spoločné väzby


Milan Vošta - Vukica Janković


Politické vedy, Volume 19, Number 4/2016, pages 119-136

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

VOŠTA, M -JANKOVIĆ, V. 2016. Serbia as a Candidate State of the EU and Their Mutual Connections. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 19, č. 4, 2016. ISSN 1335–2741, s. 119-136. Dostupné na internete: <>.



This article is dealing with mutual relations between Serbia and the European Union, which are evaluated by the selected economic factors in the context of the political position of Serbia and in relation to natural conditions. EU is striving to play a significant role in the region of Western Balkans, the stability of which, from the safety point of view, is very important for the continent. The main aim of the study was to analyze the economic factors focusing on the trade cooperation, investment activities and transport cooperation. All of that is based on the background of extension of economic and political influences of the EU towards to the east. Methodological solution approach is based on characteristics of chosen economic factors and assessments of their importance in connection with the political elements, considering guiding principles of the geographical determinism, on the basis of which the physiographical exposure of Serbia is stressed. The EU is interested in expanding its influence towards the European periphery and the Balkans, which will be enabled by the Serbian economic and geopolitical integration, Serbia strives to join the EU and integrate with the center. The main effects that would strengthen Serbian importance to the EU in case of a full membership have been summarized on the basis of the performed analysis in the conclusion.

Key words: Serbia, European Union, Western Balkans, strategic importance, trade, foreign direct investment, transport corridors


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Srbsko ako kandidátsky štát EÚ a ich spoločné väzby Veľkosť: 639.9 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 4.1.2024