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Proti politikům a imigrantům: Volební vzestup Švédských demokratů v letech 2010 – 2014


Vlastimil Havlík – Vojtěch Kubát


Politické vedy, Volume 18, Number 2/2015, pages 66-88 

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

HAVLÍK, V. – KUBÁT, V. 2015. Proti politikům a imigrantům: Volební vzestup Švédských demokratů v letech 2010 – 2014. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 18, č. 3, 2015. ISSN 1335 – 2741, s. 66-88. Dostupné na internete:<>.



The text examines the electoral rise of the Sweden Democrats party between 2010-2014. Based on the theoretical assumptions of the concept of political opportunity structures, the authors analyse exit polls data to explain the factors that contributed to the unprecedented rise of populist radical right in Sweden. The authors conclude that the 2014 elections took place in the context favorable for the rise of Sweden Democrats, mainly due to higher salience of immigration, law and order and relatively weak ties between voters and political parties. Moreover, the level of trust towards politicians remained quite low during the period under investigation. Furthermore, the profile of voters of Sweden Democrats underwent significant changes, especially when age and political orientation of voters is taken into consideratio. In contrast to the 2010 elections, the voters of Sweden Democrats were older and more centrist in 2014.

Key words: populist radical right, Sweden, Sweden Democrats, voters, immigration, law and order, trust

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Proti politikům a imigrantům Volební vzestup Švédských demokratů v letech 2010 – 2014 Veľkosť: 566.1 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 13.12.2023