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Vývoj SPD v nemeckom politickom systéme v kontexte jej krízy identity


Barbora Kollárová


Politické vedy, Volume 19, Number 3/2016, pages 100-126

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation ofthe article:

KOLLÁROVÁ B. 2016.Vývoj SPD v nemeckom politickom systéme v kontexte jej krízy identity. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 19, č. 3, 2016. ISSN 1335–2741, s. 100-126. Dostupné na internete: <>.



German SPD is at present a democratic “catch all” party, which unites the people with various religious, ideological or economic courses, and which manifests peace, liberty, solidarity, justice, equality of the men and women, and the protection of the environment. However, in present, there is an opinion in the German party and political system that SPD goes through the deepest crisis since the beginning of the 21st century. Presented article deals with the analysis of the position and the activity of Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Germany in the German political system in the 21stcentury and focuses on the issues connected with this social-political crisis of the social democracy in the Germany. The aim is to inspect closer the issues of SPD and through the exhaustive analysis provide the answers on the questions whether the party faces the deep crisis, and how is this situation reflected and what steps are needed for the solution. The article has used predominantly the method of historical analysis, partly comparative method and theoretical method. The results are showing, that the main reason of the SPD misery is the loss of its own fundamental value oriented political identity caused by the concept of so called Third Way, demotivation and alienation from the member base, the absence of the charismatic leader. SPD has the long-lasting problem with the image and it needs to accomplish the analysis of its problems. The party needs to decide, what direction it wants to go in relation to the Agenda 2010 and the concept of the New Center, what conviction and idea it wants to represent to address the new electorate.

Key words: Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), German Party System, Constitution of FRG, Social Democracy, SPD, „Third Way“ Concept, Agenda 2010

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Vývoj SPD v nemeckom politickom systéme v kontexte jej krízy identity Veľkosť: 613 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 4.1.2024