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Poľská cesta do NATO vo vojenskej dimenzii


Sławomir Olearczyk


Politické vedy, Volume 18, Number 2/2015, pages 88-104

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

OLEARCZYK, S. 2015. Polish Way to NATO in the Military Dimension. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 18, č. 2, 2015. ISSN 1335 – 2741, s. 88-104. Dostupné na internete:<>.



The year 1989 was one of the greatest turning points in the history of Poland. After the decades of Soviet dominant influence on the shape of polish reality, Poland finally gained the opportunity to decide about itself. As a result of political transformation and democratic changes, Poland achieves possibility to become one of the important elements of worldwide security. Reference to the history of formation of the Alliance allowed to show the opportunities and challenges which Poland had to face on its way to NATO. Participation in a programme “the Partnership for peace” (PfP) was crucial for Poland and simultaneously, this unique cooperation formula was treated by Poland as a mechanism leading to the future membership in the Alliance.

Key words: NATO, Partnership for Peace, Poland, security environment, Polish Armed Forces

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Poľská cesta do NATO vo vojenskej dimenzii Veľkosť: 437.7 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 13.12.2023