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Rezolúcie BR OSN a humanitárna intervencia v Kosove


Kristína Janková


Politické vedy, Volume 18, Number 4/2015, pages 97-126 

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

JANKOVÁ, K. 2015. UN SC Resolutions and Humanitarian Intervention in Kosovo. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 18, č. 4, 2015. ISSN 1335 – 2741, s. 97-126. Dostupné na internete: <>.



The issue of humanitarian intervention has been for a long time a very hot topic not only in the area of international law, but also in state practise as well. These two fields do not always pursue the same direction when dealing with gross violations of human rights and the problem of pursuing national interest enters the game as well. This paper deals with the concept of humanitarian intervention based on the just war theory and liberal approach underlining the significant role played by international and regional organisation in the area of human rights protection. The paper examines the role of the UN, especially the UN SC and its resolutions in deciding on humanitarian intervention, which many times indicate the dangerous situation, however, were not followed by the one under Chapter VII that would justify the use of all necessary means. This was the case also during Kosovar war. Following the international failure in Bosnia and death of 8000 Muslim men in Srebrenica, Kosovo became next area where identity and religious differences contributed to civil war between nationalistic Serbs and Kosovar Albanians fighting for independence. The war in Kosovo represents a milestone in the area of peace-making, peacekeeping or peacebuilding when the multinational force established under NATO´s flag bombed the area without the UN SC approval, thus violating international law. However, in this case the role of mass human rights abuses enters the game and provides ethical justification for such action.

Key words: UN SC resolutions, humanitarian intervention, use of force, sovereignty, Kosovo, human rights violations

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Rezolúcie BR OSN a humanitárna intervencia v Kosove Veľkosť: 531.8 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 13.12.2023