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Slovensko ukrajinské vzťahy v energetickej politike: Ponaučenia zo starých chýb


Alexander Duleba - Lukáš Januv


Politické vedy, Volume 20, Number 1/2017, pages 80-104

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

DULEBA, A.-JANUV, L. 2017. Slovensko -ukrajinské vzťahy v energetickej politike: Ponaučenia zo starých chýb. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 20, č. 1, 2017. ISSN 1335–2741, s. 80-104. Dostupné na internete: <>.



This article examines Slovak-Ukrainian bilateral relations in energy policy over the course of the last two decades. It analyses a new momentum in their energy cooperation, which came with the launch of reverse flow of natural gas via territory of Slovakia to Ukraine in 2014 together with the joint position of both countries on Russia’s plan to construct the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. However, the present Slovak-Ukrainian rapprochement in energy policy is rather a contrasting phenomenon in their bilateral relations as they have not been able to speak “one voice” in the matter in the past. This article maps previous controversies of the two countries in the field and looks for addressing the question why it took almost two decades for Slovakia and Ukraine to understandthat they share strategic interests in energy policy.

Key words: Slovak-Ukrainian relations, Russia, gas and oil transit, energy security, reverse flow of gas, Nord Stream 2

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Slovensko ukrajinské vzťahy v energetickej politike Ponaučenia zo starých chýb Veľkosť: 706 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 4.1.2024