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Konflikt na Ukrajine a jeho dopad na energetickú politiku Ruska


Martin Horemuž


Politické vedy, Volume 20, Number 2/2017, pages 27-48

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

HOREMUŽ, M. 2017. The Conflict in Ukraine and Its Impact on Russia’s Energy Policy. In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 20, č. 2, 2017. ISSN 1335–2741, s. 27-48. Dostupné na internete: <>.



For Russia, the energy policy is the key as well as one of the most effective power political tools for her foreign policy, proclaimed also in the conceptual and foreign-political documents. Moreover, the energy raw materials have a significant share in the income of the state budget and so create the economic basis for the Russian political power. In this context, Ukraine is a notable example of the application of the energy policy by Russia, which is at the same time highlighted by the ongoing conflict in the Eastern regions of the country. Russian long-term objective with respect to Ukraine remains the weakening of its political and economic position by means of energy. The aim of this article is to clarify possible outcomes of the Ukrainian crisis and the conflict in the East Ukraine on the energy policy of the Russian Federation. This article analyses not only the Russian energy policy from the point of view of direct ramifications of the Russian-Ukrainian energy relationships, but also focuses on the external agents and environment connected to the reaction of the international community in the form of sanctions imposed against Russia for the annexation of Crimea and support of pro-Russian separatists. The main methodological approach is empirical-analytical approach based on the analysis and interpretation of events directly related to the chosen thematic frame. Actually in the context of Ukraine the author comes to a conclusion that the energy becamean important political power and economic instrument for Russia and at the same time it is an integral part for achieving foreign policy and security objectives.Similarly on the basis of the acquired knowledge the author concludes that Russia's aim is thetransformation of energetics and its potential.

Key words: conflict, energy policy, Russia, soft power, Ukraine


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Konflikt na Ukrajine a jeho dopad na energetickú politiku Ruska Veľkosť: 510.7 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 4.1.2024