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Ako uchopiť štát? Prípad Azerbajdžanu


Vincenc Kopeček


Politické vedy, Volume 19, Number 2/2016, pages 64-89

Odporúčaná forma citácie článku / Recommended form for quotation of the article:

KOPEČEK, V. 2016 How to Capture a State? The Case of Azerbaijan In Politické vedy. [online]. Roč. 19 č. 2, 2016. ISSN 1335-2741 , s. 64-89. Dostupné na< vydani/2016/2 2016 vincenckopecek.html


The article applies the model of the clan state / captured state on the case of Azerbaijan. It discusses the types and forms of informal political institutions in Azerbaijan and explains restructuring of the informal networks th at has occurred after Ilham Aliev’s arrival to the presidential office. The core of the article are several mini case studies based mostly on an analysis of local media resources and a primary data collected during field researches conducted in 2006 2014. The article shows that Azerbaijan’s informal political structures based on clientelism and endemic corruption have de facto taken over the country’s formal political scene and using manipulated public tenders transfer a large proportion of oil rents to ban k accounts of the ruling elite.

Key words: Azerbaijan, neopatrimonialism, state capture, informal instit utions, corruption, clientelism

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Ako uchopiť štát Prípad Azerbajdžanu Veľkosť: 415.7 kB Formát: pdf Dátum: 3.1.2024